
Snow Days

What a crazy week this has been!! It never snows here in East Texas and yet this is day 2 of being home with the schools and work closed because of the snow and ice accumulation. By the way? It’ll be back in the 60’s this weekend. Smh. Gotta love Texas; aka, the bi-polar state. Oh well, we are enjoying it while we can!

I am working my way through Find Her and oh man… My heart. I am listening to depressing music and “all up in my feels” with this one. The Muscle went to my editor Monday so it will be ready to go here shortly. 🙂

So far 2018 is proving to be a fantastic year!! I hope it brings you all everything you want and need! Here’s a once in a lifetime shot of my house covered in snow. A photographer, I am not but I love it! And yes, my child rolled in the snow. Didn’t everyone? 🙂


