
Getting with the times!

So, if you check out my website after this blog goes out you will notice it looks a lot better than it used to. I spent some time spit shining it today. 🙂 I am working on building my social media presence so there will be more frequent updates on here as well as on my various profiles. You will notice that I included my YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure! These are the songs I listen to while getting into my characters heads.

Valentine’s Day saw the release of Muscle Man, which is the first of a duet titled The Penthouse Cabaret. If you have looked for the paperback and cannot find it, fret not! I am waiting until I release Tiny, which is the other book in the duet as these are novella length books and it makes more sense to combine them for the paperback.

I am in the process of finishing up Find Her, which is Courtney and Cole’s book, and will be sending it to my editor the second week of March so be on the look out for updates on that front as well. (P.S. I already have the cover and it is beautiful!!!)

In a couple of months I will be putting up a preorder for all of my paperbacks for my signing at the East Texas Book Bash so be on the lookout for that as well as this will be the opportunity to get signed copies!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful 2018 so far and I cannot wait to see what else it has in store for me.


